Halloween Hauntings: The Old Hall, Cheshire, 24 – 31 Oct

Dear Boils and Ghouls. Oh, sorry, I meant to say boys and girls. I’ll bet you’re not scared when you visit the Horrendously Haunted Old Hall. So drag along those fearful friends and grown ups and show them how brave you are.

Meet our spirits and spectres.

Which is real and what is not?

Will you get the feeling of being watched?

Are the ghosts fiendishly friendly or terrifyingly terrible?

Are they especially spiteful or simply simpering soft?

It’s up to you to find out, if you dare, by helping us haunt the hall. Some people may find the haunted hall ever so frightening but that’s half the fun. Isn’t it??

Solve the Horrible History Mystery and Quiz. Story telling. Face painting and mask making (small charge).

For more information visit http://events.tattonpark.org.uk

Adult £6, Child £4.50, Family £17.