Energy saver urges Manchester residents to sign up

A man who saved money through an energy switching scheme is urging other Greater Manchester residents to get involved.

David McGealy, from Oldham, saved £274 from his annual bill when he joined the collective bulk buy scheme organised by Greater Manchester authorities last year.

He was one of 4,577 residents who were able to cut a total of more than half a million pounds from their bills last year.

The project was so successful that another energy switching scheme is now being held.

David said: “I’m one of the many thousands of people who never quite got round to changing their energy suppliers, despite always saying I would do it. The council scheme came along and they said they’d make it really easy and they’ll guide us through it. It was really easy to switch, all I needed was a couple of bills and they did the rest.

“I’d recommend it because this is run by people trying to save their residents money from their energy bills.”

Residents need to register an interest by visiting or calling 0800 988 2426, and providing basic information, such as which gas and electricity suppliers they use and how much they pay a month, by March 3.

The organisers will then hold a ‘reverse auction’ in which energy suppliers will bid for their business by offering their best prices.

However, residents don’t have to accept this offer, and they will also be given a range of alternative offers available at the time based on how much energy they use.

Sir Richard Leese, leader of Manchester City Council and chairman of the Greater Manchester Low Carbon Hub, said: “They don’t have to accept the auction offer, and anyone who registers will even be given a range of alternative offers, so residents have absolutely nothing to lose by signing up for this.”