Category: North West Charity and Third Sector

News, posts and releases on North West Charity and Third Sector.

Funding available for green improvements in Liverpool

FUNDING of up to £500 is being made available to organisations wanting to improve green spaces in Liverpool. The cash is being made available by Mayor Joe Anderson for not for profit community groups, civic organisations, volunteer groups, school PTAs and small to medium-sized businesses across the city to make environmental improvements. The aim is …

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Sun safety advice for outdoor workers


Outdoor workers are exposed to the elements all year round and this means that they are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK and is on the rise – it kills 60 workers a year in Britain, which is why sun protection …

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University of Cumbria STEM facility extension taking shape


Extended laboratory facilities to support science, technology, engineering and maths disciplines at the University of Cumbria are rapidly taking shape. Thanks in part to a £784,000 investment from Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership, the county’s strategic economic body, the first modules of the university’s new STEM labs at the Fusehill Campus in Carlisle have been lifted …

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