Category: North West Charity and Third Sector

News, posts and releases on North West Charity and Third Sector.

NEW SKY TV Series is seeking families to take part!


Sky are making a unique, feature-length documentary series about family – and your family have the chance to be involved. A brand new, ground-breaking documentary series for Sky will tell the story of six families over five years of their life and your family can take part. Little Gem, a TV production company in London, …

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Justice: Tears and cheers as Hillsborough 96 found ‘unlawfully killed’

Fun Guided Bike Rides Coming to Lancashire this Summer

Sky Ride Local rides are coming, so if you’re keen to get out on your bike a bit more this summer, but don’t know where to start, this new series of free bike rides in Lancashire could be the answer. In partnership with Lancashire County Council, Blackpool Council, British Cycling and Sky an exciting series …

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