Do you need Reiki in your life?

Lancashire based Reiki Master Michael joins us to explain why he started his business Peace and Light and how it can help others.

Firstly what is Reiki?

“I often get asked what is Reiki and how did I get into doing it, after all I am not the stereotypical “new age” person that you may have in your mind, especially if you meet me, I’m a shaven headed tattooed guy who likes to work out.”

“What is Reiki – In a nutshell, it means life force energy or in western words energy healing, it deals with a person’s Ki (their Chi), it is such a gentle healing that it works with people, animals, plants and even works alongside modern medicine”.

Why did you become a Reiki master?

“What got me on my path to becoming a Reiki healer was when my wife was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and although she had been living with it all her life once she started on medicine to help the pain it actually had the reverse effect and caused her to need to use a walking stick before her 30thbirthday, so action was needed. I had heard about Reiki and a local teacher was offering a 1 day course to attune you to level one and having been told by every psychic I had ever met that I had healing hands I thought it may be worth investigating.”

“So I passed the first level and immediately went home to my wife and started to work on her knees and hips, gradually she started to get better, but the pain kept coming back, though we found that other issues were eased like her PMT with a Reiki healing.”

“It got to the stage where she was able to bin her medication that she used for PMT and started to use my healing hands instead. Well, I found this marvelous and signed up to take level 2 so I could start working with people outside of my family. Getting to this level helped my wife and her symptoms dramatically and within 12 months of level 2 Reiki once a week she was able to stop using her stick so much and binned the daily ibuprofen usage and only used it when it left her bedridden.”

What are you doing now?

Fast forward to 8 years later, I’m now a Reiki Master and if you met my wife now you would not know that she has Osteoarthritis as she manages it with positivity, love and above all regular Reiki sessions, she has not used a stick in over 6 years and only takes medicine if I’m not around or she has been driving long distance, She is only one of a number of people who I have helped over the years and I now run my own business.

How can people contact you?

You can find out more about what Reiki is or if it can help you please visit my website for details on reiki treatments

Or email

Thanks Michael