So you have signed up for a twitter account to help promote and advertise your business…what to do next?
1. Make sure your profile is filled in with the essentials by adding:
- An avatar or you will be left with the plain default egg image.
- A nice background and header image related to your business, eg. A cake maker may add an example photo of their cakes.
- A location, being able to know where a business is in a glance is very useful.
- Your website address or if you don’t have a website a social media link eg. your Facebook page.
- A short description about your business.
- A strong password.
2. You need to add followers to gain followers
- Start by following friends, clients and businesses related to you.
- Be aware of the following rules of twitter and other twitter rules.
3. Start communicating with your followers
- Start tweeting, compose new tweet > write your message, to direct it to a person include their twitter ID eg. ‘@thenorthwesthub Hello, how are you?’
- Check your direct messages a few times a week. Watch out for spam messages, don’t click on any links just delete the message/tweet and block the person who sent it.
- You can receive email notifications and/or mobile notifications to keep up to date with your activity. If you are getting too many notifications go into these setting and uncheck some of the notifications you don’t need.
- Don’t just wait for people to contact you, look through your followers tweets by clicking on ‘home’. To reply to a tweet which interests you, hover over the tweet and click on ‘reply’. If you don’t have time to reply you can always ‘favourite’ the tweet for later.
- Be-careful what you tweet, keep it business based and lighthearted.
- Don’t try and sell too much on twitter, try using it instead to promote your testimonials, clients, useful relevant advice etc.
4. Get your business noticed more by using hashtags
- When people search twitter for useful information they may search for a #hashtag.
- For example if I am looking for a plumber in Manchester I would maybe search the hashtags #plumber #Manchester together.
- There are many twitter hours that are aimed at promoting certain businesses / topics with the hour stated. They do this by using a unique #hashtag. Here are some useful #hashtags for north-west businesses:
North West Twitter Hours / Hashtags
#NWhub and #NWFollowers (anytime) – This is ours, use it and we will retweet your message to our followers
#Cumbriahour (Monday 7-8pm)
#Cheshirehour (Monday 8-9pm)
#Prestonhour (Monday 8-9pm)
#Sthelenshour (Monday 8-9pm)
#Merseybiz (Tuesday 8-9pm)
#Lancasterhour (Tuesday 8-9pm)
#Chesterhour (Tuesday 8-9pm)
#NorthWestHour (Wednesday 8-9pm and Friday 9-10pm)
#Lancashirehour (Thursday 8-9pm)
#Blackpoolhour (Thursday 8-9pm)
#Manchesterhour (Thursday 8-9pm)
#Liverpoolhour (Thursday 8-9pm)
#Merseyhour (Saturday 1-2pm)
5. Enjoy and have fun building contacts / connections!
Useful twitter links
Twitter for beginners
The 10 Essentials of Twitter Etiquette
Twitter Tutorial: Basic Navigation (Video)
Please post any questions on social media you have below or email
Get help boosting your twitter followers and business
Get help setting up and personalisation of a twitter page
Author: Donna Petch
Our Social Media – Follow Us!